Friday, April 19, 2024

Rev. Klockers: Jesus gives a boat-rocking object lesson with miracles

by Rev. Walter Klockers
| June 9, 2020 11:56 PM

In Mark’s Gospel, there are two miracles that Jesus performs on water, more specifically on the Sea of Galilee.

The first can be found in Mark 4:35-41. Here we find Jesus stilling the storm when he and his disciples were in a boat traveling “across to the other side.”

This story about water is sandwiched between two similar miracle events. The first, in Mark 1:21-28, is Jesus casting out a demon (which turns out to be demons, plural) in a Jewish synagogue. The second, in Mark 5:1-20, is Jesus casting out a demon (which turns out to be demons, plural) in a Gentile graveyard.

Jesus performs another miracle on water (Mark 6:45-52). Here we find Jesus walking on water after he had urged the disciples to travel alone and “go ahead to the other side.”

This story about water is also sandwiched between two similar miracle. The first is Jesus feeding the 5,000 Jews, in Mark 6:30-44. The second is Jesus feeding the 4,000 Gentiles, in Mark 8:1-10. He uses bread and fish to do so.

All of the above is summed up by Jesus as he and his disciples were (fittingly) in the boat in the middle of the Sea of Galilee.

There was a single loaf of bread in the boat. Jesus uses it as a metaphor and an object lesson. He tries to drive home the point that he has been put on earth for the benefit of all people, not just their own, the Jews.

Essentially, he was saying that “we are one” in God’s eyes (like the one loaf of bread). Unfortunately, the disciples did not grasp the concept. Jesus said to them: “Do you not yet understand?” The simple answer was no.

Jesus must have been pulling his hair out over this. It was incredibly frustrating. Jesus literally walked them through the entire process. They made multiple trips across the lake to each group of people and performed similar miracles. This should have been simple enough.

What were those two miracles on the water all about? One idea is that Jesus was displaying mastery over something formidable that separated the two groups – Jews and Gentiles.

Jesus took a lot of time and effort to deliver a message of unification.

Why do we continue to divide ourselves?

Do we not yet understand?

Walter is pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church and has served as parish pastor for more than 30 years.