Sunday, June 02, 2024

Guaranteed income won't work

| January 18, 2018 2:00 AM

There are only two alternatives to free enterprise. These are forced enterprise or no enterprise. I see Duane Pitts’ letter guaranteeing minimum wages. Duane has not been by here yet with his “fistful of dollars,” but I admire his generosity. There is a problem with Duane’s letter, though; it reeks with the stench of government force. Free enterprise allows Duane to give his money to anyone he chooses, but government force destroys freedom. Force turns free enterprise into forced enterprise like in the old Soviet Union or pre-1865 southern states.

No enterprise is another matter. The United States has a huge leisure class. Fueled by open immigration and liberal government largess, America’s leisure class is expanding by the thousands in cities up and down the West Coast. But sitting idly on my honker really appeals to me so I think I’ll catch a nap before Duane comes by with his money and pays me for doing nothing.

Harold Hochstatter

Moses Lake

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