Sunday, June 02, 2024

Trumps' opponents are destructive and dishonest

| August 4, 2016 1:45 PM

I see Trump road or yard signs but they immediately disappear or are defaced. Seems the Hillary fans spend their energy defacing, ripping, and stealing the Republicans’ Trump signs. Instead of doing their own work of promoting their candidate they use their time to destroy that of the opposition and deny us our free speech. Volunteers work hard distributing these signs and they cost money. It is illegal to destroy them or take them, especially if you go on to someone’s private property.

Seems liberals believe more in sneak attacks, denying any one but themselves free speech, and destroying others’ hard work, rather than making their own attempt to logically promote their candidates and their side of any argument. If what they do is illegal? Doesn’t matter; deny they did it, say the opposition deserved it, say the Republicans made them do it, pretend they are standing on the moral high ground and that the other is a bigot or racist, blaming everyone but themselves for their bad behavior which leads to the lack of support and respect they receive. And always accuse the Republicans of doing what they do or thinking what they think, when in fact the direct opposite is true.

Trump will win this election and become our President partly because citizens are sick and tired of the ruling by illegal acts, lies and intimidation, creating racial divisions and greed displayed by Obama and the Democrats for many years. Trump has a positive and clear message about what he will do when elected and we believe he will make this country great and safe again.

Ann Mix

Moses Lake