Sunday, June 02, 2024

Teen sentenced to 90 days for causing fire

by Herald Staff WriterJustin Brimer
| April 9, 2014 6:00 AM

EPHRATA - A Grant County teen was sentenced to 90 days in jail after torching hay bales.

Alexander Clemons, 19, was also ordered to pay $4,500 to the victims for the damage and will be on probation for two years.

Clemons initially told police he accidentally set the fire in October when a cigarette fell from his lips and engulfed the area around the hay bales with flames. He said he tried to extinguish the fire by kicking dirt on it before fleeing the scene.

The victim, Jennifer Rathbun, said she was jogging around her property and saw large flames and Clemons and his friend driving away fast. She photographed the vehicle and the license plate and gave the pictures to police, which led them to Clemons.

"I patrol my property regularly and have security cameras up. If I see someone who is not suppose to be there I will not hesitate to ask them what they are doing," she said.

She said she hopes this deters others from trespassing or vandalizing farms in the area.

Clemons and a friend were driving on Road H Northeast with a hunting rifle, when Clemons pulled up next to a stack of hay. According to his friend, Clemons exited the vehicle, retrieved something from the back and walked toward the hay. Clemons returned smelling like lighter fluid, and then he drove away quickly, passing Rathbun on their way.

Clemons was initially charged with arson, malicious mischief and lying to police. Prosecutors dropped the arson charges.

"In this case we are dealing with an 18-year-old with no criminal record. Although he initially denied his actions he eventually became fully cooperative with law enforcement and confessed to what he did," Prosecutor Angus Lee said.

Clemons has until April 16 to report to jail.

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