Sunday, June 02, 2024

Pertussis exposures at Ephrata schools investigated

Staff Report | May 9, 2012 6:00 AM

EPHRATA - Grant County Health District (GCHD) staff are investigating two cases of whooping  cough (pertussis) in Grant County residents who spent time at the Ephrata Middle School and High  School while contagious from April 16-27.

No one has been hospitalized.     

In an effort to control the spread of disease, the health officer is recommending antibiotic treatment for all people who have come into close contact with whooping cough. GCHD recommends that all  close contacts that have a cough be tested for pertussis.

"This is not a pertussis outbreak. However, we  are working with the Ephrata School District to quickly notify students' parents or guardians and staff of their possible exposure to control the spread of this highly contagious disease," said Shawta Sackett, Community Public Health Manager and Epidemiologist.     

A typical case of pertussis starts with a cough and runny nose for one-to-two weeks, followed by weeks to months of rapid coughing fits that sometimes ends with a whooping sound. Fever is rare.

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