Sunday, June 02, 2024


| February 17, 2012 5:00 AM

Reader wants more reforms

The moon landing was faked on a movie set sound stage. George Bush conspired to bring down the twin towers. John Kennedy was shot by the guy on the grassy knoll. Mick Hansen has a "hidden agenda," and "is doing everything in his power to destroy the Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District (MLIRD)."

I wish the blowhards who bluss us with these pearls of wisdom would also grace us with real proof.

We all have opinions, and while I don't agree with every decision of the current MLIRD board, I surely didn't agree with previous board members of recent years either. They put agendas in place and raised the taxes only some of us pay, - all against the original charter that created the MLIRD.

Now, only some of us pay to buy road-building equipment, buy, expand, and maintain Airman's Beach, pay inflated salaries and benefits, extend unexpired contracts, etc. If, as most of us would agree, the lake truly is the "jewel of the city" and "the draw that brings new businesses to town," and "we all benefit from improving it," shouldn't we all be required to pay our fair share to improve and maintain it?

Now that past board members also added the "rehabilitation and recreation" responsibility to the ratepayers' burden, expanding the tax base to include the whole city should be a paramount goal of the board. We could lower the tax rate and still increase revenue as well as create a substantial rainy day fund.

It was, and remains, voluntary to join the district, lots of people want to be heard as to what should be done with the lake but are happy they don't have to pay for it.

Shame on you Bill Hinkle and thank you Janéa Holmquist Newbry. Oh look, the sky is falling!

Jon Smith,

Moses Lake