Sunday, June 02, 2024

School violence rumor prompts local reviews

by Herald Staff WriterCHERYL SCHWEIZER
| December 26, 2012 5:00 AM

MOSES LAKE - A nationwide rumor that started on social media promoted a security alert to parents in the Moses Lake School District Thursday night, but district officials were unable to substantiate any information relevant to Moses Lake. School was dismissed for Christmas vacation without incident. Other local school districts also started winter break without incident.

The rumor was Facebooking, texting and twittering its way around the country; it involved the Mayan calendar that was supposed to predict the end of the world sometime during Dec. 21. What prompted concern from school officials was the rest of the rumor - that Friday became the day to act on any negative feelings toward schools around the country.

At Warden they heard the rumors Thursday, did a little research "and found they were pretty rampant around the country," said district superintendent Sandra Sheldon. But district officials didn't change their plans for the last day before vacation, she said.

Othello superintendent George Juarez said they too heard the rumors, and as a result administrators were "much more visible," although there was no specific threat directed at Othello. "We did ask people to be very alert and observant," he said.

District officials also received additional help from law enforcement, Juarez said. But the last day of school before Christmas vacation was routine. "Just another day," Juarez said.

School went on just like planned in Quincy also, said district superintendent Burton Dickerson. The shooting at a Connecticut elementary school Dec. 14 caused renewed attention to school safety nationwide, Dickerson said, including Quincy. "It's safe to say everyone is highly sensitive and concerned" and Quincy procedures are being reviewed, Dickerson said.

Moses Lake Christian Academy administrators asked fathers of students to spend a little time on campus Friday, said interim director Stephanie Voigt. The rumors were flying, but operators decided it was important to keep the school open, she said.

"There were quite a few dads that took the day off" from work and came to school, Voigt said. It turned out to be a good day with parents on campus, she said.

Price said Moses Lake School District officials are conducting a comprehensive review of school procedures in light of the Connecticut shooting. "School safety is a very sensitive issue for us," she said. In Othello, Juarez said a review was already underway in his district. "What results from that, we do not know," he said, but any recommendations will come after Christmas vacation.

Ephrata school officials were not available for comment.

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