Sunday, June 02, 2024


| March 4, 2010 8:00 PM

Its time to recall our governor and also all the Democrats in Olympia. No body down there wants to listen to the people and I thought that is why we put them there was to represent us and not for there own agenda.

Our governor stated many times that nobody would even consider talking about raising taxes in a bad economy (This is on tape.) and what do they do but raise taxes. She has outright lied to the people.

I thought the people wanted Initiative 960, that is why we put it in three different times and what do they do but suspend it when they want more taxes. That is not going to work. All that is going to happen is people are just going to get laid off and will just quit buying things.

Here are some of the taxes he wants:

• 1 cent per ounce for all bottled water sold. That’s 12 cents per bottle, times 24 per case, is $2.88 plus the $4 for the price that’s $6.88. Plus the sales tax and that makes a total of $7.17 for a case of water.

• A tax on candy. Now she can tax the kids and get their money.

• Increasing the sales tax by 0.3 percent.

• They also want to increase the property tax.

• Raising the gas tax

• Increasing cigarette tax by $1 a pack.

How can we afford this? People are taxed enough.

I have no experience being an elected official in Olympia but I think that I could do a better job. First thing I would try to do ( I say try because no one can do anything in Olympia without help.) would be to reduce the elected officials in Olympia’s wages by 15 percent, including the governor. I would try to restore I-960, I would also make all elected officials that have more than two people working in their office let the rest go. Its time some of these officials did some of there own work. Put limit on how many miles any elected official can drive a state car and no chauffeurs. They will have to drive themselves. This is just a few things that I would do.

Roger Gallagher
