Sunday, June 02, 2024

Lady Lions win in game three come back

by Pam Robel<br>Herald Staff Writer
| October 19, 2005 9:00 PM

MLCA defeats Easton at home

MOSES LAKE — It only looked like Moses Lake Christian Academy and Easton were going to play a fourth game Tuesday.

MLCA started the third game with the serve but sided out after a single point.

Easton's Rachel Wohlers stepped behind the line and served four straight service points before Moses Lake called a time out.

After the time out, Wohlers served three more points before siding out.

Melissa Jennings was able to serve an ace for her team but MLCA could not hold onto the serve and sided out, giving Easton another three points before a defensive stop earned the Lady Lions another shot at serve.

MLCA sided out without a service point.

The two teams continued to exchange side outs until late in the game.

The Lady Lions won the serve and had outstanding play at the net from Bethany Verhage to bring MLCA within one, 22-23.

Easton won the serve on a side out but could not put the game away.

MLCA's Esther Timofeyev served her team into the lead before siding out, to tie the game at 25-25.

Easton sided out before scoring and gave Moses Lake a point and service.

The Lady Lions sided out, giving Easton one more chance to take the game but won the serve back on a quick Easton side out.

Rebecca Hallberg stepped behind the service line one point away from a win and was able to serve out the game and match for her team.

MLCA won the third game 28-26.

"Everyone played really well," said coach Dean Spurbeck.

In the first game, the match looked like an easy win for Moses Lake Christian Academy.

The Lady Lions started out strong with Timofeyev serving five points, including two aces, to put her team up early and for good.

Late in the first game, it was Timofeyev who finished off Easton serving three consecutive aces and making the score a solid 21-13.

Dietzen had a great dig to help her team earn their 23rd point before siding out.

Hallberg served the final point of the match and the win was nailed into place by a monster hit from Verhage.

The final score in the first game was 25-16.

"We're continually improving as we go," Spurbeck said.

In game two, it was Timofeyev who got things rolling again, serving seven points before siding out and making the score 13-2.

Dietzen added two more points, including an ace, to what was shaping up to be a rout.

Hallberg served three points of her own, making it 20-4.

Easton then scored three consecutive points, their last points of the game.

Heidi Sandberg served out the match for MLCA, serving four points for the 25-7 win.

Dietzen finished with eight kills. Verhage had 11 kills and two blocks. Timofeyev had six kills, eight digs, two blocks and four aces. Hallberg had 28 assists.

"Our next big match is Tuesday, against Manson," said Spurbeck.